What Is A Lasting Power Of Attorney?
A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a common, legally-binding document allowing you (the ‘donor’) to name people you trust as your ‘attorneys’ to make choices about your medical treatment and care, finances, and home, either now or in the future, on your behalf.
You have complete control over who you choose to be your attorney(s) and they can only be given control of your affairs, and make decisions in your best interests if you’re physically unable to make decisions any longer or without the ‘mental capacity’ to make them for yourself.
LPAs can only be appointed while you’re in good mental and physical health so the process should not be left too late. Find out more.
Contact us today for more information and advice on our lasting power of attorney services or to arrange your no-obligation, free initial consultation. Send us a message, call us on 01243 945 054, or email the team directly at mark@mjrsolicitors.co.uk or info@mjrsolicitors.co.uk today.
How To Set Up Your Lasting Power Of Attorney
Setting up your LPA can be straightforward, so while you’re free to complete the process yourself, it’s important to remember that your LPA is a legally binding document. As such, setting up your LPA can be complex and challenging in places. The registration process can also take up to 6 months, so setting up your LPA should be completed as early as possible. Find out more.
Here’s a brief rundown of the process you’ll need to go through:
- Choose your attorney(s)
- Choose an impartial professional certificate provider
- Notify others about your choices (if you want to)
- Submit your paperwork
- Register your LPA with the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG)
Because of its legal status, even if you’re confident of completing the process yourself, it’s certainly worth our experienced MJR Lasting Power Of Attorney Solicitors checking it in full to ensure it’s completed correctly and in full to avoid any delays or additional costs. Alternatively, we’re here to complete the process for you right from the start if you prefer. Contact us today to get started.
Who Can Be An Attorney?
You can nominate anyone to be your attorney as long as they’re over 18, of sound mind, and you trust them to act in your best interests and make decisions for you when you’re unable to make them yourself. Many people choose family members or close friends to be their LPA, but you can choose:
- Blood or non-blood relatives (family or in-laws)
- Close friends
- Any professional (i.e. a doctor, accountant, or solicitor)
- Your spouse or partner
You can also choose more than one attorney if you want to, but they should be responsible and have the ability to work together. Find out more.
How MJR Lasting Power Of Attorney Solicitors Can Help You
With MJR Solicitors being experienced Lasting Power Of Attorney solicitors, our trusted team of solicitors will guide you through the process, helping you at every stage with an individual and personal service.
On hand to give you the practical help and jargon-free legal advice you need, we’re here to prepare your LPA paperwork as per your wishes and help you understand the responsibilities of your attorneys and what’s expected of them. And we’ll ensure your affairs are in order for your property and finance or health and welfare – or both – giving complete peace of mind for you and your family.
Contact MJR Solicitors today
Contact us for more information and advice on all our lasting power of attorney services or to arrange your no-obligation, free initial consultation. Send us a message, call us on 01243 945 054, or email the team directly at mark@mjrsolicitors.co.uk or info@mjrsolicitors.co.uk today.